
A platform

S-360 platform is a set of tools and processes allowing to integrate the S-360 ticketing engine into a more global IT ecosystem.

to integrate S-360 into an IT ecosystem

S-360 may integrate with the specific ecosystem of its clients. Here is a non-exhaustive list:

  • Their public website
  • Their access control system
  • Their CRM
  • Their accounting system
  • Their BI

Technical endpoints and tools

The goal of this documentation is to provide a basic understanding of the available tools to all stakeholders concerned by the integration of S-360 ticketing engine.

Tool Description
Backend APIs Endpoints to access a full featured set of backend services
Frontend APIs Direct access to pages and functionnalities in S-360 Frontend ticketshop
Webhooks Provide S-360 with your webhooks URLs to be notified when orders or contacts are updated
Datamart DB access through VPN to a set of reports
Plugins Create your own hook to connect to an exrternal system during S-360 backend processes