In S-360 an order represents a transaction between a contact and the institution operating S-360. It can be a sale, a refund, a reservation, an option...
With this webhook activated, each time a order is finalized (closed or abandonned), S-360 backend calls a given url transmitting the order in the form of a JSON payload.
The strucure of the payload is defined in the following API getOrderDetails.
This behavior is asynchronous: the list of closed/abandonned order ids is stored in a queue, and this queue is processed every M minutes, with M between 1 and 1440.
Synchronization rate
When setting up the webhook, the operator defines:
Default values:
The callee must provide an URL which will accept POST requests containg the JSON payload described below and return 200 when accepted.
If the URL returns values (an id, a message...), those values will be ignored.
If the URL returns an error, the same order will be sent every M minute, 12 times. After all those tentatives, the synchro will be abandonned, but the failed contacts will be logged.
It is possible for S-360 to process an authentication on the remote URL. Here are the supported authentication protocols:
It is possible to select which order elements will be sent, with the following possible options.
Other modifications, like changing the structure of the payload, keeping only certain fields, etc., is impossible. If you need a specific payload, you likely want a data export webhook.
A filter can be defined in the interface parameters to control the transmission of only the desired orders. This filter parameter contains a string, based on OrderDetailResult, like this below:
(if product code of any operation is XXXX)
(if base price of the operation with product code XXXX is 10000 and the order type is SALE)
The delimiter of each condition in the filter is the character ";".
When a filter is added to the interface parameters, it's important to set the "Granularity" parameter (possible values in getOrderDetails method).
In case of a bucket size greater than one, the payload will always be a list (surrounded with []), even if the payload only contains one element.
"orderDetailsData": {
"orderId": 10000418846,
"orderState": "OPEN",
"creationDateTime": "2024-05-27T10:45:49.201+02:00",
"referenceDate": "2024-05-27T02:00:00.000+02:00",
"expirationDate": "2024-05-27T11:00:49.779+02:00",
"saleAmount": 0,
"preSaleAmount": 14000,
"reservationAmount": 0,
"optionAmount": 0,
"waitingAccountBalanceAmount": 0,
"operationDatas": [
"operationId": 10229212866133,
"type": "PRE_SALE",
"quantity": 1,
"basePrice": 14000,
"unitPrice": 14000,
"withoutVatTotalAmount": 14000,
"totalAmount": 14000,
"productId": 101049282449,
"product": "Billet Musée",
"productCode": "MSTIC",
"itemId": 101049310928,
"siteId": 466636059,
"site": "MoSA Musée",
"siteAddress": {
"firstAddressLine": "62, rue de Lille",
"zipCode": "75007",
"locality": "Paris",
"countryCode": "FR"
"contingentId": 466646159,
"contingent": "Ventes en ligne",
"numbered": false,
"audienceSubCategoryId": 306159078,
"audienceSubCategory": "Adulte",
"audienceSubCategoryRank": 1,
"audienceSubCategoryRequireAttachment": false,
"audienceSubCategoryExternalDescription": "Plein Tarif",
"vatRate": 0,
"vatCountryCode": "FR",
"selfPaidVat": false,
"operationNumber": 1,
"productFamilyType": "PASS",
"productFamilySubType": "VISIT_PASS",
"itemDisplayExternalDesignation": "Billet Musée",
"locations": [
"spaceCode": "INTEGR",
"siteCode": "MOSA",
"spaceExternalName": {
"translations": [
"locale": "fr",
"value": "Tour Intégrée"
"locale": "en",
"value": "Integrated Tour"
"locale": "es",
"value": "Tour Integrado"
"locale": "de",
"value": "Integrierte Tour"
"locale": "it",
"value": "Visita Integrato"
"siteExternalName": {
"translations": [
"locale": "fr",
"value": "MoSA Musée"
"locale": "en",
"value": "MoSA Museum"
"locale": "es",
"value": "Museo MoSA"
"locale": "de",
"value": "MWK-Museum"
"locale": "it",
"value": "Museo MoSA"
"siteAddress": {
"firstAddressLine": "62, rue de Lille",
"zipCode": "75007",
"locality": "Paris",
"countryCode": "FR"
"fileId": 13116,
"waitingAccountBalance": 0,
"season": "Saison 1",
"crossSellParentOperationIds": [],
"comfortVariableValues": {},
"includedInShipmentFee": false,
"audienceCatId": 15655,
"exchangeable": true,
"catalogCurrency": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"symbol": "€",
"fractionDigit": 2,
"minAmount": 10
"itemDate": "2024-06-10T11:00:00.000+02:00",
"timeslotId": 101047469409,
"timeslotDuration": 7200,
"championshipSeasonticket": false,
"allSeasonTicketLinesCompetition": false,
"visitGroupData": {
"visitGroupId": 10229212871158,
"numberOfAccompaniers": 0,
"numberOfParticipants": 1,
"fileRemarks": [],
"pricingType": "PER_PERSON",
"ticketType": "INDIVIDUAL_TICKET",
"groupCriterionElements": [],
"guided": false
"insuredOperationIds": [],
"isNominative": false
"movementDatas": [
"movementId": 10229212866234,
"operationId": 10229212866133,
"contingentId": 466646159,
"contingent": "Ventes en ligne",
"contactReference": "5442",
"instanceNumber": 4273,
"resumed": false,
"attributionMatch": "NO_EXPECTATION",
"transferable": false
"movementTicketDatas": [],
"contactReference": "5442",
"salesChannelName": {
"translations": [
"locale": "fr",
"value": "Vente en ligne"
"locale": "en",
"value": "Ticketshop"
"locale": "es",
"value": "Ticketshop"
"locale": "de",
"value": "Ticketshop"
"locale": "it",
"value": "Ticketshop"
"orderType": "SALE",
"generatedContiguities": [],
"orderOriginData": {
"toCreateToken": false
"salesChannelType": "INTERNET_B2C",
"orderInstallmentsToCreate": [],
"orderSecretId": "33e1993b-7e31-4c44-8b8b-2ac646d258a0_10000418846",
"orderOriginator": "TICKETSHOP",
"salesChannelCode": "B2C",
"catalogCurrency": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"symbol": "€",
"fractionDigit": 2,
"minAmount": 10
"organizationCode": "MOSA",
"organizationName": {
"translations": [
"locale": "fr",
"value": "Musée des Sciences et des Arts"
"locale": "en",
"value": "Museum of Science and Art"
"locale": "es",
"value": "Museo de Ciencia y Arte"
"locale": "de",
"value": "Museum für Wissenschaft und Kunst"
"locale": "it",
"value": "Museo delle Scienze e delle Arti"
"multicurrency": false
"orderDetailGranularity": "TICKET"