When using underneath, I accept related terms and conditions
MOSA is a demo museum. The service can be freely tested with this account, within the limits of a reasonable and fair use.
The WSDL of this webservice can be accessed at the following urls:
The test login is : MOSA_B2C The test password is : P@ssw0rd
The REST endpoint of this service can be accessed at the following URL using POST method.
To generate the JWT,
The Virtual Operator is: MOSA_B2C
The secret key is: your-256-bit-secret
You need to have an interface linked to a sales channel and this virtual operator.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:v1="http://v1_0.ContactSocialLoginService.sociallogin.service.secutix.com/"
<ns2:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
"signUpData": {
"email": [],
"firstname": "Maxwell",
"gender": "MR",
"lang": "EN",
"lastname": "SilverHammer",
"phoneNumber": "797997979",
"phonePrefix": "41",
"title": "MR"
"provider": "ACCOUNT_KIT",
"providerUserReference": "1520956517919901"