Contact and SAM campaign API test account

When using underneath, I accept related terms and conditions

Museum Sandbox

MOSA is a demo museum. The service can be freely tested with this account, within the limits of a reasonable and fair use.
There is a demo ticketshop on top of this sandox, allowing you to easily make a mapping between catalog fields and their meaning:

WSDL and credentials

The WSDL of those webservices can be accessed at the following urls.

The test login is : MOSA_B2C
The test password is : P@ssw0rd


The REST endpoint of these services can be accessed at the following URLs using POST method.

To generate the JWT, The Virtual Operator is: MOSA_B2C The secret key is: your-256-bit-secret
You need to have an interface linked to a sales channel and this virtual operator.

Theatre based sandbox

CUBE is a demo theatre. The service can be freely tested with this account, within the limits of a reasonable and fair use.
There is a demo ticketshop on top of this sandox, allowing you to easily make a mapping between catalog fields and their meaning:

WSDL and credentials

The WSDL of those webservices can be accessed at the following urls.

Marketing target :

The test login is : CUBE_B2C
The test password is : P@ssw0rd


The REST endpoint of these services can be accessed at the following URLs using POST method.

To generate the JWT, The Virtual Operator is: CUBE_B2C The secret key is: your-256-bit-secret
You need to have an interface linked to a sales channel and this virtual operator.

Example calls

Call to getContactData

Request (SOAP)
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v2="" xmlns:ns2="">
    <ns2:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
      <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
Request (REST)
    "contactNumber": "43",
    "details": ["ADDRESSES"]
Response (SOAP)
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
    <ns2:getContactDataResponse xmlns:ns2="">
        <requestId xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="" />
        <statusDetail xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="" />
          <formattedAddress>55 RUE FELIBIEN
44000 NANTES
          <street1>55 RUE FELIBIEN</street1>
          <requestId xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="" />
          <statusCode xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="" />
          <statusDetail xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="" />
Response (REST)
    "statusCode": "success",
    "statusDetail": null,
    "requestId": null,
    "contactNumber": "43",
    "individualContact": {
        "statusCode": null,
        "statusDetail": null,
        "requestId": null,
        "contactNumber": "43",
        "individualGender": "MALE",
        "individualTitle": "MR",
        "individualFirstname": "Didier",
        "individualLastname": "DUVINAGE",
        "individualFirstnamePhonetic": null,
        "individualLastnamePhonetic": null,
        "nickname": null,
        "individualBirthdate": -678243600000,
        "individualCountryCode": null,
        "individualIdNumber": null,
        "email": "",
        "alternativeEmails": [],
        "login": "",
        "password": null,
        "digestedPassword": null,
        "encryptedPassword": null,
        "badgeIdentifier": null,
        "individualPreferredLanguage": "fr",
        "prospect": true,
        "zipCode": "44000",
        "countryCode": "FR",
        "loginCreation": null,
        "endValidityDate": 32503676399000,
        "endValidityReason": null,
        "handicapType": "HANDICAP/NONE",
        "remark": null,
        "addressSalutation": "Monsieur",
        "letterSalutation": "Cher Monsieur",
        "confidentialityLevelEnum": "FREE",
        "cellPhoneNumber": null,
        "faxNumber": null,
        "phoneNumber1": "+33629620455",
        "phoneNumber2": null,
        "phoneNumber3": null,
        "cellPhoneNumberVerified": false,
        "role": "PUBLIC",
        "active": true,
        "guest": false
    "structureContact": {
        "contactNumber": null,
        "allContactNumbers": null,
        "state": null,
        "structureOfficialName": null,
        "structureAddressName1": null,
        "structureAddressName2": null,
        "structurePreferredLanguage": null,
        "structureCommunityType": null,
        "numberOfEmployees": null,
        "structureTypeId": null,
        "login": null,
        "password": null,
        "prospect": true,
        "siretCode": null,
        "primaryContactId": null,
        "community": false,
        "email": null,
        "alternativeEmails": [],
        "remark": null,
        "addressSalutation": "Monsieur",
        "letterSalutation": "Cher Monsieur",
        "confidentialityLevelEnum": "FREE",
        "parentStructureContactNumber": null,
        "structureEuropeanVatCode": null,
        "badgeIdentifier": null,
        "cellPhoneNumber": null,
        "faxNumber": null,
        "phoneNumber1": "+33629620455",
        "phoneNumber2": null,
        "phoneNumber3": null,
        "role": "PUBLIC"
    "endValidityDate": 32503676399000,
    "role": "PUBLIC",
    "state": "VALID",
    "hasWarning": false,
    "login": "",
    "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
    "financialData": null,
    "contactQualities": [],
    "mergedContactNumber": null,
    "function": null,
    "creationDate": 1436533626647,
    "contactId": 129856430,
    "invalidatedContactQualities": [],
    "contactFileHistoryCriteria": null,
    "authorizations": [],
    "contactCriteria": [],
    "indicators": [],
    "advantages": [],
    "addresses": [
            "contactAddressId": 129856431,
            "name": null,
            "line1": "55 RUE FELIBIEN",
            "line2": null,
            "line3": null,
            "zipCode": "44000",
            "town": "NANTES",
            "countryCode": "FR",
            "main": true,
            "shippingAddress": true,
            "billingAddress": true,
            "formattedAddress": "55 RUE FELIBIEN\n44000 NANTES\nFRANCE",
            "documentFormattedAddress": "Monsieur Didier DUVINAGE\n55 RUE FELIBIEN\n44000 NANTES\nFRANCE",
            "normalizationState": "TO_BE_NORMALIZED",
            "normalizationRating": "UNKNOWN",
            "gpsLatitude": null,
            "gpsLongitude": null,
            "faxNumber": null,
            "phoneNumber1": null,
            "phoneNumber2": null,
            "phoneNumber3": null,
            "localityCriteriaElements": [
                    "countryCode": "FR",
                    "localityCriterionCode": "DEPT",
                    "localityCriterionName": {
                        "translations": [
                                "locale": "fr",
                                "value": "Département"
                                "locale": "en",
                                "value": "Department"
                                "locale": "es",
                                "value": "Departamento"
                                "locale": "de",
                                "value": "Departement"
                                "locale": "it",
                                "value": "Dipartimento"
                    "localityCriterionElementCode": "63",
                    "localityCriterionElementName": "Puy-de-Dôme"
                    "countryCode": "FR",
                    "localityCriterionCode": "REGION",
                    "localityCriterionName": {
                        "translations": [
                                "locale": "fr",
                                "value": "Région"
                                "locale": "en",
                                "value": "Region"
                                "locale": "es",
                                "value": "Región"
                                "locale": "de",
                                "value": "Region"
                                "locale": "it",
                                "value": "Regione"
                    "localityCriterionElementCode": "FR-O",
                    "localityCriterionElementName": "Hauts-de-France"
            "street2": null,
            "street1": "55 RUE FELIBIEN",
            "street3": null,
            "street4": null
    "contactConnections": [],
    "socialConnections": [],
    "loginLastUpdateUser": "STX-80949-pre",
    "loginLastUpdateTime": 1601389573258,
    "hasAdvantages": false,
    "individualPhotoData": null,
    "contactOrigin": {
        "code": null,
        "translations": {}
    "createdFrom": {},
    "guest": false

Call to createOrUpdateTarget

Request (SOAP)
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v1="" xmlns:ns2="">
    <ns2:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
      <internalName>test target created by SOAPUI</internalName>
      <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
Response (SOAP)
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
      <ns2:createOrUpdateTargetResponse xmlns:ns2="">
            <requestId xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>
            <statusDetail xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>