The example below explains how to remove a movement from an open order using REST calls.
You must have them under hand before to begin.
Username : PLAY_B2C
Password : P@ssw0rd
Contact : 2258
pointOfSalesId : 101053522324
Please download and import the postman collection to be able to reproduce de example: Collection - Remove movement from open order
Just execute to get the token for next steps.
Create an example order with two movements. For next step, we will need the "orderId" and one of the "movementId" that appear in the result of this call.
Using the "orderId" and the "movementId" from the previous step, we will be able to remove the specif movement from the open order.
Using the "orderId" from the "Create order" step, we will get the order details to check if the movement has been removed correctly from the order.