Product setup service

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SetupService SOAP 1.32 available

This service contains methods used to :

  • create products
  • create performances
  • access creared products details
  • delete non validated products and performances.

Those methods are deployed in the same service as for the catalog interface, but they are not entirely related.

This section is rich in object descriptions. Please refer to the glossary to get more details about a catalog's content.

Creating/updating a product


  • Product creation or update is done through a call to method createOrUpdateProduct.
  • If a the product DTO contains an id, the related product will be updated. Else a new product will be created.
  • In case of product creation, it is the responsability of the caller to keep the generated identifier (field
  • Created products will be in a preparing state. A validation in S-360 backoffice is necessary to put them in sale.
  • It is possible to delete a created product as long as it is still in preparing state, using deleteNonValidatedProduct method.
  • When creating/updating a product, all empty fields in the DTO will be considered as null, and set accordingly. It is hence highly recommanded to call method getProductDetails before any call to update a product.

Creating different kind of products

Many kinds of products exist in S-360. The kind of product created will depend on the field filled in the Product DTO.

Only one of those fields can be set up in a given product.

Field Product kind Note
event Event supported
pass Event not supported yet
service Event not supported yet
package Event not supported
seasonTicket Event not supported

Mandatory fields and related concepts

Field Explanation Validation The ID of the season for the product
Product.code A 8 characters field allowing a quick visual identification of a product. It is not possible to have two products with the same code in the same season.
Product.vatCodeId A vat code raltes to an object (VatCode) containing the vat rate to be applied to the product. Available vat codes for institution can be obtained through a call to listVatCodes
Event.activityId An activity regroups events. Available activities for institution and season can be obtained through a call to listActivities
Product.internalName Internal name and translations for the product 60 characters max for each translation
Product.externalName External name and translations for the product 60 characters max for each translation

Creating/updating a performance

Creating and updating performances is only possible for products of kind Event.


  • Performance creation or update is done through a call to method createOrUpdatePerformance.
  • if a the Performance DTO contains an id, the related performance will be updated. Else a new performance will be created.
  • In case of performance creation, it is the responsability of the caller to keep the generated identifier (field
  • Created performances will be in a preparing state. A validation in S-360 backoffice is necessary to put them in sale.
  • It is possible to delete a created performance as long as it is still in preparing state, using deleteNonValidatedPerformance method.
  • When creating/updating a performance, all empty fields in the DTO will be considered as null, and set accordingly. It is hence highly recommanded to call method getPerformanceDetails before any call to update a product.

Mandatory fields and related concepts

Field Explanation Validation
Product.productId The product ID related to this performance
Performance.start The start date of the performance
Performance.rateTypeId A rate type is used to regroup rate tables. Available rate types for an institution and season can be obtained through a call to listRateTypes. Rate type is mandatory to create a performance in S-360. In case you do not know which rate type to choose, choose one arbitrary rate type to be the defaylt one.
Performance.logicalConfigurationId A Logical configuration represents a given setup of a given venue. Available logical configurations for institution and season can be obtained through a call to listLogicalConfigurations

S-360 standard for web-services

Please refer to that document.

Unless otherwise specified, all those methods are transactionnal and idempotent.

Non Functional consideration

Remember call rate limitation explained in API Terms and Conditions.

Error codes

Error codes are referenced here