
Plugins architecture offers 3rd party developpers the possibility to develop connectors to their specific system, called from various hooks in S-360.


The 3rd party developer must implement an API transmitted by S-360, following S-360 rules of plugin implementation.

Then the plugin can be submitted to S-360 for approval and deployed in an planned S-360 release.

Plugins can leverage different elements for S-360:

  • being configured directly through S-360 setup screens (the plugin declares itself the list and types of parameters that need to be exposed in the screens)
  • use S-360 operator logs to display actions and results to the operators
  • use S-360 external connectors wrappers (REST, Soaop, SFTP...) to take profit of all communication security and robustness used by S-360 deployment.

Existing plugin types

Plugin type Description Usage
Firehose contact Each time a contact is created/updated, the plugin is called Green led Green led Green led
Firehose order Each time an order is closed, the plugin is called Green led Green led Green led
Tariff eligibility verification To check if the validity of a tariff from an external system Green led Green led Green led
External Manager Used to generate tickets and handle tickets from external ticketing providers Green led Green led Green led
Payment Integration To integrate payments received from a bank and release reservations Green led Green led
Access control Called by S-360 to push tickets towards an external access control system and retrieve the controlled tickets Green led
External Printing Used to push tickets to external printer and handle their printing feedback Green led
Firehose Product Each time a product is created/updated the plugin is called Green led
Loyalty to push and retrieve loyalty points from a loyalty point provider Green led
Sender To send messages - SMS, emails - to contacts defined in SAM Green led
Url shortener To shorten urls to be sent in messages Green led
Data Export To extract data executing queries Green led